Rev. bras. psicoter. 2022; 24(2):115-122
Bücker J, Czepielewski LS. O impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 na Qualidade de Vida em residentes locais no sul do Brasil. Rev. bras. psicoter. 2022;24(2):115-122
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O impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 na Qualidade de Vida em residentes locais no sul do Brasil
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Quality of Life among Local Residents in south of Brazil
El impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en la Calidad de Vida de los residentes locales en el sur de Brasil
Joana Bücker, Letícia Sanguinetti Czepielewski
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an impact on the daily life routine in most people around the world. Despite the efforts to contain the virus, unfortunately, a significant and growing number of deaths has been reported in all continents, and Brazil is being severely affected by the COVID-19 transmission1. Local governments everywhere adopted some type of social distancing as a way to prevent the spread of the virus. The impact of this restrictive measure, especially in the early stage of the pandemic, when feelings of uncertainty and fear of becoming infected prevailed, resulted in higher levels of psychiatric symptoms, economic crisis, and negative effects on the quality of life (QoL)2.
The studies about QoL - which is the "individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns''3 - during pandemic suggest differences between countries. Developing nations, with compromised health structures, have been greatly affected2,4. Few studies link the current pandemic to reduced QoL in Brazil5,6. These studies indicated that females, lower educational levels, testing positive for COVID-19, and unemployed participants showed worse QoL, as well as higher rates of QoL were associated with less depressive symptoms. However, Brazil is a continental country, with differences in culture, socioeconomic levels, and patterns of social isolation measures. Knowing that these characteristics may influence QoL, it is important to evaluate this construct in a more homogeneous population to reduce possible confounders.
Therefore, we aim to assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on QoL in a region in the South of Brazil called "Vale do Taquari", during the initial stage of the COVID-19 outbreak. This population has similar culture, socioeconomic status, and social distance policies adopted by the local governments, as well as high rates of contamination7,8. More specifically, we aimed to: i) describe QoL of participants; ii) investigate the relationship between QoL and sociodemographic, pandemic related, and psychological symptoms variables; and iii) explore which variables contribute most to the likelihood that participants have better QoL. Particular attention will be given to the physical, psychological, social, and environmental domains of QoL.
Participants comprised 325 individuals from "Vale do Taquari'' in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The project was approved by the local ethics' committee (CAAE number 34754020.2.0000.5310) and all participants provided electronic informed consent. The subjects were drawn from an online questionnaire, builded in the Google Forms Platform and conducted between August and September/2020. Evaluations included clinical and sociodemographic variables, and the following instruments: Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS21)9, The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)10, and The World Health Organization quality of life assessment (WHOQOL-bref) with four domains (physical, psychological, social relationships, and environment)11. Statistical analyses were completed in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS v20). We first described participants' characteristics. Then, we investigated the magnitude of the relationships between QoL and sociodemographic, pandemic related, and psychological symptoms variables. Finally, we conducted linear logistic regressions with the backwards method based on the probability of the Wald statistic to explore the likelihood that participants had better QoL in each specific QoL domain. Participants were considered to have better QoL if scored 3 or 4 on each domain ("good" and "very good" according to the WHOQOL-bref guideline). Significance was set at p < 0.05, 2-tailed.
Sample characteristics are described in Table 1. Overall quality of life was correlated with age (r=0.232,p<0.001), years of study (r=0.189,p=0.001), depressive symptoms (r=-0.65,p=<0.001), anxiety symptoms (r=-0.49,p<0.001), stress symptoms (r=-0.51,p<0.001), and sleep quality (r=-0.54,p<0.001). Further, overall QoL was also correlated with experiencing stressful situations during the pandemic (r=0.252,p<0.001).
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