ISSN 1516-8530 Versão Impressa
ISSN 2318-0404 Versão Online

Revista Brasileira de Psicoteratia

Submissão Online Revisar Artigo

Rev. bras. psicoter. 2020; 22(3):45-53

Artigo Original

Contribuições do diagnóstico psicodinâmico operacionalizado (OPD-2) na Colômbia: treinamento, prática e pesquisa

Contributions of Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2) in Colombia: Training,Practice and Research

Jorge Humberto Vanegas-Osorioa; Emerson Hipólito Chindoy-Lunab; Juan Esteban Patiño-Gonzálezc; Cesar Alejandro Pérez-Atehortúad; Ferney Hernán Rincón-Ospinae; Jorge Albeiro Jiménez-Hernándezf


In this paper we summarize some experiences with Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2) in the colombian context, and put into perspective other possibilities for its implementation grounded on our teaching and clinical practice. Given OPD-2 develops as a modular system for diagnosis and treatment planning, it has been used in different areas of both clinical practice and empirical research. Based on this, we have chosen different application scenarios to illustrate OPD-2'susefulness, focusing on different axes or modules of the instrument, reharding Colombia's interculturality, clinical work at the general hospital, teaching and practice integration, and OPD-2's contributions to dynamic psychology. The possibilities of OPD-2 related to each application area are discussed and gathered into a final conclusion.

Keywords: OPD-2, dynamic psychology, hospitalization, interculturality, teaching, supervision, research




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