ISSN 1516-8530 Versão Impressa
ISSN 2318-0404 Versão Online

Revista Brasileira de Psicoteratia

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Rev. bras. psicoter. 2020; 22(3):9-20

Artigo Original

Perfil psicodinâmico em um caso de abandono precoce: Comparando as perspectivas do terapeuta e dos juízes externos

Psychodynamic Profile in an Early Dropout Case: Comparing Therapist's and External Judges' perspectives

Santiago Juana; Rocío Manubensb; Luciana López Fediukc; Juan Martín Gómez Penedod


INTRODUCTION: contemporary psychodynamic therapy research supports combining clinical judgment with empirical evidences. Recent studies suggest that systematically analyzing single cases may contribute to such efforts. Also, current criteria for evidence-based case studies recommend different perspectives on therapeutic process and outcome, such as therapist's and external judges' ratings. Finally, client's dropout conforms a challenge for psychotherapy research.
AIMS & METHODS: as part of a SPR Small Research Grant, this study analyzed and compared the psychodynamic profile proposed both by therapist and two external judges, for the same case of early dropout from focused psychodynamic psychotherapy, consisting of two diagnostic interviews and five subsequent sessions, in a patient with an emotional disorder. Being blind to the rating process of the counterpart, Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2) was used by therapist and judges to generate a psychodynamic profile including five therapeutic foci. External judges rating was achieved through consensus, following CQR's guidelines.
RESULTS & DISCUSSION: similarities and differences among therapist's and judges' psychodynamic profiles were found. Result's contributions to the understanding of case's early dropout are discussed, along with OPD-2's usefulness for psychodynamic practice-oriented research.

Keywords: Focused Psychodynamic Therapy; OPD-2; Change Mechanisms; Dropout; Single Case Research; Practice Oriented Research




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