ISSN 1516-8530 Versão Impressa
ISSN 2318-0404 Versão Online

Revista Brasileira de Psicoteratia

Submissão Online Revisar Artigo

Rev. bras. psicoter. 2019; 21(1):5-18

Artigo Original

Expressive therapy - psychoanalytic dance therapy

Expressive therapy - psychoanalytic dance therapy

Expressive therapy - psychoanalytic dance therapy

Maria Ammon



This article focuses on Expressive Dance Therapy, developed by Günter Ammon in Munich. Following a brief history of the development of dance therapy, the author documents the proven benefits of dance therapy, particularly in enabling patients to verbalize their feelings and supported by research findings relating to a group of 30 patients, all of whom had been diagnosed with "archaic ego disorders" and with all ages represented.

Keywords: Archaic ego disorders; Dance; Dance therapy; Group; TATs (Thematic Apperception Tests).




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